Lead Response Service

Email Monitoring

We'll monitor your ad lead response, website forms, and online service requests for you.

Are you confident that your company is effectively handling potential customers’ online queries? Research shows that most companies are not responding nearly fast enough.

How are you generating BUSINESS?

  • Website Forms
  • Social Media Ads
  • Online Service Requests

How QUICKLY are you responding?

Did you know?

78% of Customers Buy From the First Responder

Companies that contact potential customers within an hour of receiving a query are nearly seven times as likely to qualify the lead.

Harvard Business School audited 2,241 U.S. companies, measuring how long each took to respond to a web-generated test lead. Although 37% responded to their lead within an hour, and 16% responded within one to 24 hours, 24% took more than 24 hours—and 23% of the companies never responded at all. The average response time, among companies that responded within 30 days, was 42 hours.

Are you aiming to be average?


No need to wait. Our agents are ready and waiting 24.7.365 to respond to your leads. And the best part? It doesn’t require a fundamental change to your business.

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Impress and Engage your clients with these additional services.